Launch of a volunteering program from Anti-corruption Headquarters

Launch of a volunteering program from Anti-corruption Headquarters

We launched tha first in the history of the CSO "Anti-corruption Headquarters" volunteering program! Ми запустили першу за історію роботи Антикорупційного штабу волонтерську програму!

It is an important start for us, as the development of the volunteer network is one of the strategic directions for our organization for the next 3 years, which would help us grow in regions and create the conditions, in which every Ukrainian know how he can prevent corruption.

Our volunteers are working on the project "Coronavirus Procurements Map", learning to detect corruption and spreading the word about our digital tools in their cities - Nizhyn, Kamyanka-Buzka, Kovel, Sambir.

The program itself lasts 2 months and includes weekly meetings, where we teach them how to detect corruption, write requests, and appeals to state bodies. Also, we are working with the complaints of the citizens of Ukraine and spreading the information about the "Coronavirus Procurement Map" and different ways of fighting corruption on coronavirus procurements.

In January we plan the launch of a new and even bigger volunteer program from the Anti-corruption Headquarters on the project "Map of Repairs". Soon enough we will announce the start of the recruitment of the volunteers, yet you can already fill out the form:

Stay tuned!

Thanks to Isar Ednannia та Natalie Klymova for the support!

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